I’ve started printing that post a few days ago but it turned out that there is no space on hosting server to upload new photos. I writing that blog for a long time and I didn’t want to delete any entries or previous photos. That’s why I had to decide whether to buy additional space on the server or whether I had to come up with something different. Additional space at current hosting server is quite expensive so i’ve decided to buy space on other server and move there part of galleries and photos from South America. Probably nobody looks at it so nobody will miss it. But I plan to leave some links to the new place soon.
Okay the photos below are from our short trip to Prater amusement park in Vienna. It was quite a nice day when compared to other days – and the only day we were having fun and rain wasn’t raining on our heads. Below there is a few, best photos selected from the Prater amusement park. There will be more photos taken on that day taken mostly in U-bahn that’s why I’ve decided to move them to the separate post…