Summer Basketball Games

Every tuesday and thursday in Wawrzyszew – one of the districts of Warsaw the playing field is full of basketball players. Everyone can come who know how to play basketball. It’s not a NBA nor the professional basketball, but still the level is pretty high – so you have to be good to be part one of the team. Usually there are at least two teams with the bench players and even there are days when there are 4 teams waiting for their turn to play with the winner of the last game. As I wrote earlier the level is quite high – there are actions you can see on the TV like pick-n-rolls, hard screens and even a nice dunks.

Every player has it role, and have to know the his position on the field – defence also is quite serious. Of course there are no referee during that games – so normal street rules apply here ;) Every player knows that usually only fouled player says that he was fouled, and of course it have to be quite obvious foul – clearly seen by the others. This is the street basketball, so the game sometimes can becomes quite rough and usually light fouls on the hand when shooting the ball which would be called during the normal basketball game are not called here.

Everybody plays until there is enough players on the field to play 5 on 5 or until the late evening – until it’s too dark to play…

Below you can see some snaps from ‘the bench’ taken with iPhone when waiting for the next game…

In black and white.

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

And in color…

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

Wawrzyszew Basketball

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