Recently I’ve bought a new Toy – an analog SLR Camera in very good condition. It’s Canon AE-1 Program. It’s not so old, however this model was made in 80’s. The AE-1 whas first Canon SLR camera with the processor inside. AE-1 Program it’s modified later version with Automatic Exposure and Automatic Aperture modes. I’ve received it from UK with two Makinon lens: Makinon Zoom 1:3.5-4.5 f=28-80mm with Makro and Makinon MC Zoom 1:4.5 f=80-200mm.
(Now off-topic summer photo of the blooming flowers… – like the classics say: The Larch…)
It’s a little strange to buy older and older equipment. Well question how I will find out myself in the world of analog photography. In the past I have had deliberately resign from that kind of photography, now I will try again… first with test color shots and later with the target area of interest: B&W photography.
I hope soon I’ll be able to show you scanned the first results of that exercise (It may be not so quickly as my first inserted film is 36 ASA200 Konica with the final recommendated development date: year 2004… We will see whether Konica brand is thrustworthy ).